Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Challenge of the NaNoWriMo

This month I entered the NaNoWriMo feeling I was all set just to enjoy the challenge and the input from great and enthusiastic writers everywhere.
But I have had some strange things happen and that has slowed me personally up. One of the things was I was at my computer working and had an experience with my first Earthquake. My husband and I felt something rolling under our feet, or at least it felt that way, and the house shook. We didn't know what it was, but somehow sensed it was an earthquake so we tried to find out.
It really was! but we were feeling aftershocks in Arkansas of a 5. plus earthquake in Oklahoma. We also have seen tornado weather, sirens running at different times, and things like that. Needless to say, sometimes these things can even pry a NaNo participant from the word count that day.
Anyway, I am back on line today, hopefully working towards meeting a 50,000 word goal.
My novel in progress is available at the Smashwords site as part of their NaNoWriMo participation and also on the regular Nano site. Links are here:

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